What was your name?
I was reading Metro this morning, it’s a little bit strange for me and the only metro stop I have to ride every morning, but.. I said to myself “Ok, let’s check some news about Belgium and Brussels”… and in page 2 – top right corner – there’s an interesting article about name and surname changed in 2011 here in Belgium.
Yes, I know Belgium is not a big Country so why they could have written this article?! Well they had 1.797 requests of changing name and/or surname.
It’s quite huge in my opinion and how much is it?
Here in Brussels the price is 49€, but it could raise up till 740€ if you want to add a second name, a word or if you want to change a lower letter into a capital letter.
Yes, you can do it only for really particular reasons and they should be very well documented.