Davide Gambino
Personal website of the italian filmmaker Davide Gambino.
Concept, Design and User Experience shared with the client.
Technology: WordPress.
Blacka di Danca
Personal website of the international dancer Blacka di Danca.
Entirely powered by me: concept, design, contents.
Technology: WordPress.
Radical Fitness – Nederland
Restyling and optimization of contents and layout.
Technology: WordPress.
Knzo Mendy
Personal website of Knzo Mendy: Zumba Jammer, dancer and artist.
Entirely powered by me: concept, design, contents.
Technology: Joomla CMS.
Voyage au Sénégal
Website in 3 languages (English, French and Italian).
Entirely powered by me: concept, design, content and translations.
Created with Wix.com.